Friday, September 17, 2010

Do Dreams Really Come True?

I dreamed of a young man,
a man whom people loved.
He held no grudges, and
he lived the life of a king.

The dream that was so spectacular
that it made me wonder:
How can someone's life be so perfect
that he even goes to bed every single day
with a huge smile on his face?

I had a dream that I think
no one else in this world has ever had.
It was so real,
I couldn't forget about it.

The dream was about a young man,
whose expression was so perfect and familiar.
He was me in years to come.
He was who I want to be when I am older
and mature.

-Tito Walaza


  1. Wow ... what a clear vision, Tito. You see the man you want to be - and not only that, but you've also put him in words so artfully, anyone who reads this has a sense of who this man is.

    I love this poem. Keep sharing from your heart and imagination, like you've done here.

  2. Nice idea about dreams;keep dreaming good things about your life, work hard at making them happen and good things will happen if you keep a good vision and work at it.take care. Cedric
