Tuesday, September 14, 2010

On Rainy Days

On rainy days
I hear the drops making
irritating sounds on the roof
as if they are angry

I would watch running water
And I would pick up the hail stones
when they suddenly fall.

On rainy days
I smell a lovely, muddy smell
As I go to cold school
I wish to be under the warmth of my blankets
or near the heater as it sucks the paraffin:
to be thirsty once again.

On rainy days
I think of times
When I would play with my polystyrene boat
floating like a cork on running water.
I would be amazed by
the smoke coming out of my mouth
I would pretend that I was smoking
on rainy days.

-Thembani Bottomak

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Thembani! This poem is so imaginative. Your writing comes alive here! You use personification, simile, and imagery skillfully. Wonderful work. Please stay with your writing!
