Thursday, March 31, 2011

I Have HIV

Please do not be afraid to hold me
to hug me
to embrace me.

I will not die and leave you.
When the time comes,
I will gladly take that part of you
given to me on a journey
beyond both our wildest dreams

Only to meet you once again
and continue our friendship
our love
our embrace.

Let our hearts prepare
for this journey together
for when that time comes
know that you will be "the wind beneath my wings."

-Gracia Kapenda

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Ten Rand

Why was the ten rand crying?

Because it needed to be changed.

-Joe Kapenda


What type of socks do people keep in secret?

Secret socks.

-Joe Kapenda


What do worm publishers print?

Underground newspapers.

-Joe Kapenda

Monday, March 14, 2011

I Give You a Heart

I don't know what to say
or what to get you
because I cannot afford
to buy you a car

But I can give you my heart
This is very big
and greater than a car

I give you a heart
I don't know what is in my heart
but I give you a heart

Sometimes I feel something
strike me
I don't know what it is
but I give you a heart

Is this love or what?
I don't know
but I give you a heart

I wonder to myself
What can it be
but I give you a heart

Maybe I love you
but I give you a heart

-Ciza Sylvane

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Remember Me

I tempted you
made you feel uncomfortable
laughed at your nakedness
but remember me

I laughed with you
but turned into a snake
in an instant

I broke your heart
and mended it again
Don't give up on me
but just remember me

Because there will be a time
when I'll change your life
like you changed mine.

-Elethu Nkala


I am saying you're an elephant
'cause you struggled for me
You struggle even when you were pregnant
of me

You protected me when I was a weakling
It was like I am a king
wearing a mane
Waiting for you to call me by a name

I'll kneel for you by my knees
'cause you're the only one that feeds
me towards respect
Because of you I know how to act

You broke up with my father
because of me
My mother
You're the only one in my dreams

Mom, I want you to be proud
of me
Even if I am making the crying sound
out loud

My mother, I'll return the huge favour!

-Lloyd Hanjana

Friday, March 11, 2011

Who Are You?

Who are you?
I thought I knew you
I thought I was able to
describe who you are

You know me, but
I don't know you
Where are you from?
What is your personality?
What kind of person are you?

I thought I knew deep inside you
I thought I knew your heart
but I fooled myself with
all that I gave you

Who can you be?
Why are you here?
I don't know you anymore
Get away from me
I don't know you


-Ciza Sylvane

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Mother, how far are you?
Where could you be?
How long do you have to take?
OH! Mother

When will I meet you, and
how will I see you?
My eyes are eager to see you
My hand desires to feel you
OH! Mother

I'm falling in love
but I don't know where you are
My heart falls for you so long
It hadn't felt the mother's love
OH! Mother

I need you, need you
right here by my side
I need to know mother's way
My feet need to take
the same path you took
OH! Mother

I need you

-Ciza Sylvane

Friday, March 4, 2011

Permit of the Week

The heart that loves is forever young.

-Joe Kapenda


Smile. It is the key that fits the lock of everybody's heart.

-Gracia Kapenda

The Sad Sheep

How did the sheep feel when Bo Peep lost them?
Real baaa-aaaaaad.

-Joe Kapenda

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Everything Is Nothing

Wherever I go
I hear cries
Every way
that I pass through
I hear cries.

I went to America, where
I thought it was a better place
but I couldn't stand the tears of people

I was in France, where
I could think it was a little better
but it was like going through people's watery eyes

They cried for everything
you see
some with big beautiful cars
but you'll hear them say,
"I want two more cars."

Women with two girls or boys,
but you will hear voices that say,
"One boy and one girl is better."

People have honors but they want a Ph.D.
Everything that you ask for is nothing.
Whatever money you have will be gone in a split second.
What everyone has in a split second will be gone.


-Ciza Sylvane