Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Everything Is Nothing

Wherever I go
I hear cries
Every way
that I pass through
I hear cries.

I went to America, where
I thought it was a better place
but I couldn't stand the tears of people

I was in France, where
I could think it was a little better
but it was like going through people's watery eyes

They cried for everything
you see
some with big beautiful cars
but you'll hear them say,
"I want two more cars."

Women with two girls or boys,
but you will hear voices that say,
"One boy and one girl is better."

People have honors but they want a Ph.D.
Everything that you ask for is nothing.
Whatever money you have will be gone in a split second.
What everyone has in a split second will be gone.


-Ciza Sylvane

1 comment:

  1. Lovely words, Ciza, and so true. Many people seem to want what we don't have, and then when it is given us, it still somehow never feels like enough. That's a painful way to live, and you're right that it's a prevalent mindset everywhere you go.

    Change begins with identifying attitudes that do not serve us. Thank you, Ciza, for giving voice to this isssue.
