Friday, September 17, 2010

A Dream for Success

What am I without a dream?
When will I succeed in my future
if I don't have a dream?
A dream is like a friend.

You may dream with compassion,
But just know one day your dream
will come true.
A dream is a passion ...
a passion that will never end.

My dream is a key to my future.
My dream is part of my choices in life.
I dream because I care,
and I know something will be a success in my life.

A dream is an imagination,
a good imagination ...
an imagination that will never let you down.

I am the dream!

-Lukhanyiso Malimba

1 comment:

  1. "A dream is like a friend." "A dream is an imagination, a good imagination ... an imagination that will never let you down." These are astoundingly powerful lines, Lukhanyiso. You have such a gift with words. This is a beautiful poem ... a wonderful dream. Keep writing.
