Saturday, July 24, 2010

Mid-Level Emotion

I have a friend
He never judges me before seeing my ability
He never groups according to my colour
He never favours me, nor others

To most friends, I recommend him
(although sometimes he stabs me with such pain
in the chamber of my emotions)
He brings most people together
but separates others

He is believed to be blind
and no glasses have ever worked in his eyes
He is called love
But he is not my friend anymore

-Banele Matyeba


  1. Banele, I was so intrigued reading this, wondering who this "friend" was. The last two lines were powerful and left me feeling live without love? What loss.
    -Miss H.

  2. Banele: This "friend" you have portrayed is wonderfully wise, and also flawed. (Aren't the greatest friends exactly that way?)

    I gain so much by reading this: insight into my life, my faith, my friendships, and my values. Thanks for making me think so hard, and on such important topics.
