Monday, December 2, 2013

The Perfect World

Not a perfect world, but a conquerable world.
Where maybe school ends in Grade Nine.
Before having to be forced with making subject choices.

A world where you don't go to Grade 12 and stress about a career,
trying to live up to the expectations of the older generations,
when you yourself have no idea what you want to do.

A world where heart, passion, and hard work,
and not your family connections or ties,
gets you somewhere.

A world where you can do what you set your mind to.
A world where people with the smarts who are standing at a crossroad,
not knowing which path to take,
don't  have to choose one pathway, but as many as her lifespan will allow.

A world where teens can watch cartoons and still contribute to society.
A world where we discard the mentality of laziness.
A world where we keep calm and enjoy the ride, while steering the wheel in a direction
that benefits not only us, but the community around us, too.

A perfect world? No, not at all.
My world, as powerful as these words written,
as careful as these words selected,
as awesome as my world seems, so is everyone else's.

The question is: Who has the will to make their world the world?

1 comment:

  1. Very insightful, Gracia. Everyone has an idea of how the world should be, and you deliver a powerful reminder here, that our idea of the perfect world is unique to each one of us. I love your thought process.
