Monday, November 1, 2010


I was built with cement
and painted
in different colours
which is an idea of the owners
So I have to be always dry
to follow their orders

I forgot to tell you
that my surname is ME.
NO not me, ME
I was talking about the home
But first I have to do my homework
It's about to keep my creatures safe

My home
It was shown
to me
when I was a child
and I smiled
because I had a place called home

Did you know that my YAHOO password is HO!
I chose it because it was hard to forget
Like something that I can keep safe to a pocket

Do you have an answer
for where the name HOME came from?
Well, here is an answer:
Just add my password and my surname
Then you will find a place.

-Lloyd Hanjana


  1. Very clever. I really enjoyed the way you put this together. It was fun to read, and it seems as though your personality came through. (At least, something very personable came through).


  2. This is awesome, Lloyd! Only you would think to break a one-syllable word into two, and then lead the reader down a path to figuring out from where the word "home" derives, from a home's perspective! This reminds me of your poem "Ball," which I loved for the same reason. You are so creative.
