Friday, November 5, 2010

The Imitation

I woke up one morning
I looked around my room
Everything was a blur
I shielded my eyes from the light
and kept walking

I stopped
and caught my imitation passing
The big lips
The big head
The shy eyes

I tried screaming
but I swallowed my words
He imitated everything I did

I talked
he talked
I looked bemused
he looked bemused
I rubbed my eyes
he rubbed his eyes

I splashed my face with water
and looked up
Only to find my reflection in the mirror
looking at me

-Elethu Nkala


  1. This is very clever, Elethu ... and funny! I love how descriptive it is, too. It's difficult for writers to work into the writing what they look like. You've done this by using a mirror, and it's brilliant! Great writing. Keep it going.

  2. I loved reading this. The language flowed beautifully, and the images you brought into your writing are powerful. You have a real talent!

