Friday, November 5, 2010

The Imitation

I woke up one morning
I looked around my room
Everything was a blur
I shielded my eyes from the light
and kept walking

I stopped
and caught my imitation passing
The big lips
The big head
The shy eyes

I tried screaming
but I swallowed my words
He imitated everything I did

I talked
he talked
I looked bemused
he looked bemused
I rubbed my eyes
he rubbed his eyes

I splashed my face with water
and looked up
Only to find my reflection in the mirror
looking at me

-Elethu Nkala

Monday, November 1, 2010


I was built with cement
and painted
in different colours
which is an idea of the owners
So I have to be always dry
to follow their orders

I forgot to tell you
that my surname is ME.
NO not me, ME
I was talking about the home
But first I have to do my homework
It's about to keep my creatures safe

My home
It was shown
to me
when I was a child
and I smiled
because I had a place called home

Did you know that my YAHOO password is HO!
I chose it because it was hard to forget
Like something that I can keep safe to a pocket

Do you have an answer
for where the name HOME came from?
Well, here is an answer:
Just add my password and my surname
Then you will find a place.

-Lloyd Hanjana

When You Said Our Love Must End

When you said our love must end
My body turned to red
And I am scared
Because if I'll lose you
I will be mad

You said our love will end
My plans of what we will do together end
And life that we should spend
I can't just sit and pretend
that the part of our life we spent
Is enough
We haven't spent a rand
we just spent a cent
of our whole life

I am not a perfect man
But I am not supporting that as a fan
for being a coward

I said, "I love you"
because when I am with you
I feel comfortable
because you clear things
Like a sky which is blue
Please give me a clue
of what to do

I am confused?!!

-Lloyd Hanjana